Папа Римский Франциск: “Христианин не может быть антисемитом” ВАТИКАН, 25 июня. Корр.ИТАР-ТАСС Алексей Букалов, “Nostra Aetate” /лат. – Наше время, Он ВАРШАВА, 25 июня. /ИТАР-ТАСС, МИНСК, 25 июня. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Лариса Ключникова, ТОКИО, 25 июня. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС, ШАНХАЙ, 25 июня. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС + ПЕКИН, 25 июня. /ИТАР-ТАСС. Stirring Trouble Internationally From The Wires Of ITAR-TASS. In Russian.
Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (Photo credit: pixelhut) |
Pope Francis on topic about any anti-Semite behavior and about Italian voice Bergoglio who pointed out that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church condemns hatred, persecution. The story encapsulates anti-Semitism quite well and cites Joseph Ratzinger to help clarify the point. With additional quotes from the Nostra Aetate which goes into more details about relations with Jews, written by Pope Paul VI in 1965. This is why Pope Bergoglio speaks to the Jewish community in Italy about the Roman pontiff sent from the Jewish community of Rome.
The Pope Room (Photo credit: ste3ve) |
The news from Warsaw today is that a 40 year old Polish man lost his job, lost his home then spent 4.5 months in jail for being drunk which led to him shoplifting and already had a count of destroying property.
MINSK Correspondent reports that Belarusian scientists have created a drug for the treatment of gastric cancer called bioabsorbable hydrogel "Prospidelong at a Belarusian State University. The Belarusian-Russian scientific-practice is seeking to import this to substitute expensive anti-cancer drugs.
Miura Haruma (Photo credit: aBbYhaLO) |
In Tokyo By 2035, Japan's two-thirds of all the singles will be more than 50, the children and grandchildren live separately from their parents and the number of divorces is growing. Atsushi Miura, author of the recently published book, "What will now buy Japanese?" Is about the new buyers market in this area due to these changes in age statistics. The major points of the book underline how more people will spend more time on the Internet buying products, educating themselves on learning new languages and more easily be able to organise neighbourhood events.
a very pregnant blond woman in a short, black dress struts down kinzie. (Photo credit: jordanfischer) |
The next scoop in is from Shanghai about China's big investments in African countries because they liked the expertise there and the knowledge of local doctors. By opening up to Africa they have also opened the flood gates of drug dealers from Africa trying to smuggle drugs into the country many of whom are women who are pregnant.
English: Flamingo Français : Flamant rose (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
And from Beijing there has been a color change for the chains on the deck of a Chinese aircraft carrier, unusually it is a pink chain (the colour of a flamingo) reports have been coming in from a Chinese local newspaper called the Huanqiu Shibao. The Chinese national pride jokes used to amplify the Russian colour red. You can read the full article over on Stirring Trouble Internationally.
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