
EU Orders Left-Wing Coup Of Greek Government

eu ordersEU orders have propagated a lot of angry rants from various people about Cyprus. The European Central Bank and the European Union apply pressure on everyone within the Eurozone. Angela Merkel hopes Athens will do what Brussels says because the European Union are spending a lot of other peoples money to keep Federal Europe in check.

Greece falls into two categories. The Greek people awaiting Nikos Michaloliakos response to the future of further politics in Greece that will make the EU orders possible and they hope balance the scales and make the figures look better than they actually are.

Anton Gorynov has wrote this detailed article from Athens. Followers of the Angela Merkel and the team in Brussels are doing all they can to get the right message out to the rest of Europe  who will have to dig even deeper to help out Greece a former host of the Olympics a few years a go.

There is a lot of money on the table and the last thing they want is someone to blow it all, especially when it is other peoples cash. So the European Union’s are asking lots of questions, who wouldn't?  The Greek government in addition are under suspicion of being members of the anti-EU Golden Dawn party.

The MPs named it is believed have been dabbling in all sorts of stuff rather than following EU orders wasting the countries surplus on the arts. The story although seeming something out of the movies is linked with shady rappers and followers of German Nazis 1936 values, its pretty much text book stuff.

Anton manages to capture the uncomfortable situation between the two countries quite well and objectively highlights the main parts of scoop. Anton thinks both Brussels and Greece have sold out to the same forces creeping in before World War II and underlines the National Socialists as the ring leaders, back in the 30's and reappearing today in the EU orders from Federal Europe and its banking system ready for the next wave, a cone of power is needed to fix fire with fire.

 Looks pretty similar these days, doesn’t it? A post made earlier today over on Stirring Trouble Internationally - Humorous comments and analysis of EU orders, news and current affairs.

Tags: Athens, Brussels, eu orders, European Union, Federal Europe, Greece, Greek, Nikos Michaloliakos and Politics of Greece.