
Alastair Adams Tony Blair Canvas

Blair, London, Mick Jagger, National Gallery, New Labour, Saddam Hussein, Stephen Fry, Tony Blair

tony blair portraitAdam Lovejoy is in London and has noticed something from the art world and its the above image of Tony Blair. Painted by Alastair Adams who also painted Stephen Fry and Mick Jagger.

Tony Blair is mostly known for getting Britain involved in the war in Iraq, and helping capture Saddam Hussein. Tony also used an anti-Christ political campaign of a man with horns to win the elections.

You can take a look at the paintings at the National Gallery and find out more about New Labour by following the link below to Stirring Trouble Internationally where you can read the complete post.
Blair, London, Mick Jagger, National Gallery, New Labour, Saddam Hussein, Stephen Fry, Tony Blair