
Mayor Boris Johnson: Cycling In London

boris johnson cyclingR.F.Wilson is talking about cycling in London with Mayor Boris Johnson talking about the Tory party and the new Transport in the city of cyclists pretend to be going to work and return back home after a ‘busy day’.

He comments that in Tirana capital of Albania roads are better than London's.

Read all about the new Boris bikes sponsored by Barclays Bank and the future prospects of him becoming a Tory leader.

Not everyone travel by London Underground cycle in the opposite direction of the traffic flow.

The London underworld is very grateful to Boris who, being a cyclist himself, has no idea how to get traffic moving properly in the city and fix the Underground.

The cyclist as an industry is following the McDonald's business model.
Labels: Barclays Cycle Hire, Boris Johnson, Cycling, London Underground, McDonalds, Tirana, Tory