China |
From this you will be able to form a more coherent opinion about what is being said rather that being stuck in a passive mode of consuming media they feed you.
In this article you are going to learn about these 11 things.
- Conflict with the pope
- The Communist Party Of China
- China
- China Communist
- Beijing
- Christianity
- Communist Party
- Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association
- Matteo Ricci
- Three Self Patriotic Movement
- Gu Suhua
Keep the Faith |
According to Gu Suhua sources in Beijing people are saying he might be under house arrest when in Beijing and when in Vatican City he is sworn to the consecration rites under Roman Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI. Gu Suhua in the main article gives a brief outline of when Christianity emerged in China he does not mention the Dynasty but you can look that up on Wikipedia during your studies.
Portrait of Matteo Ricci, the first Catholic missionary to China during Ming dynasty (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Chiang Kai-shek was one such Chinese leader who followed what Matteo and valued his linguistic skills.
Here is what Gu Shua had to say: you can thank him by commenting over on the main website here.
As you will find out Christianity real took of in China after the second world war with the Three Self Patriotic Movement this was with Protestant and catered for Catholics however Gu reports this all changed the latter half of the 1960's go over to find out what happened.
China is on my mind says the Pope |
emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Français : emblème pontifical Italiano: emblema del Papato Português: Emblema papal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
If this is not compelling enough then consider this where would you be without the luxuries that you religion and heritage has provided, think about the legal implications and trot over to Stirring Trouble Internationally where you can find a sprinkling of information that you need, take action here is the link.
A post made earlier today over on Stirring Trouble Internationally - A humorous take on news and current affairs. The full article: The Communist Party Of China Is In Conflict With the Pope. But Guess Who’ll Come Out The Winner? 14/12/2012 by Gu Suhua.
The Communist Party Of China articles
- Chinese Bishop Under House Arrest Stripped of Title 12/12/12.
- Malcolm Moore from Beijing has noticed 'Communist Party Congress: corruption in China runs from top to bottom' The 09/12/12
- In another helpful article Malcolm Moore writes 'Communist party rule suits China's national reality' The Telegraph 14/11/2012
- China's Communists declare war on boring meetings 05/12/12
- China revokes new Shanghai Catholic bishop's title
- The Grand Plans of the Chinese Communist Party The Daily reckoning