
Dramatic Footage Shows Cheerleaders Were Used At President Obama’s Post Inauguration Ceremony

Bill Clinton dancing women
Mark Donahue reports from Washington some sensationalistic footage noticed by Stirring Trouble about President Obama’s inauguration.
English: From left to right, First Lady Michel...

English: From left to right, First Lady Michelle Obama, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State–designate Hillary Clinton at the inaugural prayer service held on January 21, 2009 at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] White House Chief of Staff, Jack Lew has the difficult job of getting people out of their homes away from telly programs like Judge Judy and the Simpsons.

Judge Judy Sheindlin
Judge Judy Sheindlin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Read today about  President Clinton who may have suggested hiring cheerleaders. Vice President Biden agreed with a similar message about  how President Clinton helped Obama inauguration ceremony with cheerleaders.

English: Seal of the United States Department ...
English: Seal of the United States Department of Homeland Security. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napalitano according to Donahue is in charge of patting down and frisking the cheerleader girls and some interesting inspection of the women's molars for any unusual cavities. This is a follow up to the Lib Sync story.

Organizational chart of the United States Depa...

The amateur video shows a hardened group of Obama’s supporters surrounding the stage to watch the girls in action. Chief Justice Roberts acted as cheer leader, with the girls copying his moves, waving their pom-poms and giving their traditional ceremonial welcome to the  US President.
  KCL Cheerleaders 2008

But even though the cheerleaders Judge Judy and the Simpsons, people turned up and Obama managed to make is inauguration pledge to fellow Americans. Dramatic Footage Shows Cheerleaders Were Used At President Obama’s Post Inauguration Ceremony